There are no “people” sounds yet;
most are still asleep. My phone won't disrupt the natural sounds because we are
beyond cell range. Beyond the range of much of civilization, we are deep in
God's remarkable creation. But God is near with His astounding blessings. Yet
as thankful as I am at being immersed in these blessings of nature, I am even
more thankful to be immersed in God's forgiveness, mercy and love through my
savior, Jesus. The wonders of this life and this earth will all pass away and
pale by comparison with the New Creation we will all enjoy one day through
faith in Jesus.
Well, there it goes, my perfect
morning has been disrupted. The sounds of a diesel pickup, the smell of a badly
tuned gas engine, tent poles clicking as they are dismantled, and overly loud
conversations are invading the bliss of my morning. But that's the way it is
with life. Sin invades and disrupts the perfect creation God intended.
Nevertheless, the sun creeps over the forest horizon and a new day gets under way.
I face this day and every new day with confidence that the Son of God, my
brother and friend, Jesus, is also rising in my life and will one day make all
things new. As beautiful as this setting is in the South Carolina forest, the
New Heavens and Earth will be unfathomably more beautiful. So, I will wait
expectantly and go get another cup of morning brew.
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