Good morning Mosey’nMillers fans, from Klodel Park
Campground in beautiful Point Pleasant, West Virginia. To see more about this park go to Krodel Campground.

Wait a minute! How and
why did we get here and why now? Ok, let me back up and start where you last
heard from me.
Late in March 2017 we were serving as “Hosts” at Pedernales
Falls State Park in sunny Texas. I mentioned that o
April 1st we would set out for home. We were excited about traveling the beautiful,
444 mile Natchez Trace Parkway. Well, it didn’t happen like that.
Just before we were scheduled to
leave, Darlene was diagnosed with a minor illness, but one which effected our
travel plans. We decided to “make a bee line” for Indy because travel was uncomfortable
for her. We took the shortest route and did our overnights in Walmart parking
lots. Once home, she was back on her feet quickly and normal life in Indiana
resumed. At least for a couple months.
We began planning our “Great Northwestern Loop” which would
take us across the northern United States and some Canadian provinces, through
the Rockies to visit Banff National Park, down into ID, WA, OR & CA. We
would winter in the southwest before returning to Indy in the spring of 2018.
That was the plan, but God had something else in mind.
In June I had an inquiry from the President of the Ohio
District LC-MS about my work as an Intentional Interim Pastor. His inquiry
eventually … after many questions, conversations, and prayer … led to my
accepting a call to be Interim Pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Garfield
Heights, OH. And yes, that’s a long way from home, over 5 hours driving.
From September 1, 2017 until August 19, 2018 I Pastored St.
John and led them in a process of self-evaluation and discovery as to their
future in mission and ministry following the retirement of a long-term pastor
(29 years). The church provided me with an apartment and car, so I lived
comfortably and came home to be with Darlene & family often. Our plans to
do the “Great Northwestern Loop” had been postponed for a year. But we were
excited about starting that long trip within a few weeks after I finished in
Cleveland. But it’s obvious that didn’t happen!
While we are indeed in God’s merciful and gracious hands all
the time, in this broken world unexpected and unpleasant things happen; in July
our water well went dry (we live in the country and don’t have city water). In
such an instance, the only fix is to drill a new well. And a new well costs a
lot of $$,$$$. This large financial setback meant that our Northwestern trip
would again be postponed. But why are we in West Virginia?
There are less expensive ways to travel and escape the mid-west
winter than going to the southwest via Canada. Going to Georgia and staying on
one place for the winter saves lots of $,$$$ and meets all our Mosey’n
criteria. So on August 18, we set out for our winter destination in sunny, warm
General Coffee State Park in southeast Georgia. What’s general coffee? I drink
Starbucks. And why there?
You’ll just
have to come back for my next post as we move on from Point Pleasant WV to our
destination in the south. God be with you till then.